English Language Arts
During their four years of attendance, Nativity students are expected to read more than 40 novels and achieve a degree of English proficiency that exceeds state standards for their grade level. Through the reading and analysis of these novels students are asked to demonstrate an ability to retain key concepts, analyze passages for main ideas, and employ critical thinking skills to make connections to the world around them. The English curriculum also focuses on the development of vocabulary and grammar skills through the use of Voyages and WordlyWise materials. Students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of novels as well as grammatical rules and vocabulary to write with clarity and precision.
In grades five through eight, Nativity students engage with mathematical concepts through the enVision Mathematics curriculum and achieve proficiency that exceeds state standards for their grade level. The goals of the program are to have students learn procedures and methodologies to solve problems, build critical thinking skills, and develop fluency with key skills necessary for success in complex material. Students also make connections between curricular content and real world problems through project-based learning. Through this rigorous curriculum the outcome is greater accuracy and a growing confidence in students’ ability to solve challenging problems.
Over their time at Nativity, students engage in the rigorous elevateScience curriculum that is phenomena-based and aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). In fifth grade, students take Integrated Science, which is a survey course designed to develop students’ understanding of Earth, Life, and Physical sciences. In sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students take comprehensive science courses on each of the subjects touched on in fifth grade to further develop their of the key concepts. The sixth grade focuses on Earth Science: geology, meteorology, climatology, and astronomy. The seventh grade studies Life Science: biology, ecology, genetics, and evolution. The eighth grade studies Physical Science: physics and chemistry. Our science curriculum also aims to provide cross-disciplinary learning opportunities through the reading of novels and joint math-science projects.
Social Studies
During their four years of attendance, Nativity students engage in the myWorld Interactive curriculum, which is aligned to the Massachusetts College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies. In each course, students develop critical thinking, problem solving, evidence-based reasoning, and communicating skills to successfully engage in the world around them. The fifth grade course aims to introduce civics, economics, geography, and history concepts. In sixth grade, students take a closer look at American History through primary sources and research-based learning. In seventh grade students take World Geography, which aims to engage students in the larger global world. Through project-based learning students gain an understanding of the world’s cultures, systems, and geography. In the eighth grade Civics course students learn about the American government, citizenship, economic, and legal systems. Students are given opportunities to develop public-speaking and debate skills through active, informed citizenship.
Nativity students are required to participate in the arts through a music course and an art class. In music students learn about music theory and are given the opportunity to learn how to play different instruments. In art, students travel off campus to UMass Dartmouth where they are taught by a professor and art-education students. In this course, students create individual art pieces through multiple art forms and gain an understanding of the creative process.
Community Service
In Nativity’s Community Service Program, students develop into informed, active, empathetic citizens in their community through academic research and service trips that occur during the school day. The program connects students with members of their community with different identities but shared experiences in a meaningful and empathetic way. Through the program, our students will create individual or class-wide service projects based on their experiences engaging with community partners.
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